Meta is up to its old shenanigans yet again. The new social network app, Threads, advertised as an alternative to X (formerly known as Twitter), is unsurprisingly limiting content and banning searches linked to crucial terms such as “coronavirus” and “vaccines,” as uncovered by the Washington Post.

Apparently, Mark Zuckerberg does not want users to discuss the order(s) of the day, or of any day for that matter.

Kindly share cat videos instead and stop asking questions and being inquisitive, peasant.

Despite being barely a couple months old, in its classy style of shutting down everyone and anyone with something valuable to say, the platform has been muzzling specific search phrases in its new anti-search engine.

Meta has enforced blackouts around Covid-related phrases and other topics in the past, supposedly to fight “misinformation.” For instance, this blog has been censored and scrubbed clean off Meta platforms following a series of articles that aim to shed light on the public the dangers of central bank digital currencies.

Offering an explanation for the obstruction of information, Meta conceded to the Washington Post, “The search functionality temporarily doesn’t provide results for keywords that may show potentially sensitive content.”

Meta promised that it would reinstate search results when they believed the content was up to their standards; in other words, once the facts become bent, broken and unrecognisable. Meta declined to disclose a complete list of obstructed search terms, leaving users guessing with a bitter aftertaste.

Meta’s hostility to its own users has only grown over the years. Apparently, the $300-billion company has chosen to pursue strict keyword censorship, instead of engaging in nuanced debates and ideas about which content is permissible.

This move is commensurate with the company’s unwillingness to disclose internal correspondences about Covid-related discussions, which came to light during ongoing inquiries on censorship.

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